Improved the Batch Rename Files functionality by adding the ability to also remove the characters: Not ASCII / Not ISO 8859 / ISO 8859
Improved the calculation the number of Items selected in the Results List and their Total Size after Cut&Paste.
You can set the File Size Unit to be used by choosing from various combinations of: Byte/KB/MB/GB, Thousands Separator, Decimal Portion and more.
The Status Bar displays the number of Items selected in the Results List and their Total Size based on the chosen File Size Unit.
By pressing the keyboard shortcut Shift+Delete you can delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin. (Requires double confirmation).
From the View Menu, you can display a window Magnifier from 2x to 5x, Crosshairs from 1px to 3px, Inverted Colors and Smooth effect.
The Columns in the Results List, which are only visible in certain cases, have been moved to the most appropriate position.
After the Search the Results can be automatically Sorted By: None / Default Column and Direction selected / Last Column and Direction executed.
The Highlighting of Items with the same value and the Panel to Navigate between these Items can be disabled.
In the Results List can be shown the Windows® Context Menu or the Program Context Menu.
The Sort By currently running is displayed in the Status Bar.
By selecting the "View->Sort By" item from the Main Menu you can sort the Column values in the Results List.
Updated and improved the Help File in CHM format and added to the Website the Help File in HTML format.
Updated and improved the Website to facilitate the accessibility of Web Pages.
In the Thumbnail View you can choose the Size of the Images between these Values: "Small" / "Normal" / "Medium" / "Large" / "Very Large".
In the rare case that in the Details View all Columns are invisible, they are automatically reset to their default Values.
When the Application starts, it is placed on the Desktop to always be at least partially visible, even if multi-Monitors with different Pixel heights are used.
New option that allows you to choose whether to Save/Load the Parameters: "File Names", "Starting Folders", "Search Texts".
Increased the display speed of items in the Results List when Details View is set.
Increased the scroll speed of items in the Results List when Details View is set.
In the Options Window you can choose the Characters that affect the detection of the Whole Words.
In the Options Window you can reset the Displayed Options or All Options to their Default Value.
The Items in the Results List can be sorted in the order that they were searched for (Filename Mask List > Name > Folder).
Added the Export of the Results as Pipe Separated Values File (.PSV)
Added the Export of the Results as Data Interchange Format File (.DIF)
Added the Export of the Results as Simbolic Link File (SYLK) (.SLK)
Implemented as a Tool the calculation of Duplicate Files.
The Help File has been improved and has also become Context-Sensitive.
Implemented as a Tool the calculation of the Hash Values MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256 of the Files content.
Improved the File management after sorting and filtering for Columns with Equal or Different values.
Added in the Result List the Columns: "File Owner" and "File Group".
It is possible Filter the Results based on File Owner and File Group.
During the Results Export the Columns being processed are displayed.
It is possible to Cancel the Results Export by pressing the ESC key.
After sorting to the right of the Column with Equal Values is displayed: the Group number, the Item number and the number of Items in the Group.
After sorting it is possible to filter the Groups of rows with Equal values, navigate between them and go to a specified one.
By clicking on the Columns to sort them in ascending or descending order, the Rows with the same Values are highlighted.
When the Columns are sorted, you can also export the Rows with the equal Values or with the different Values.
When the Columns are sorted, in the Export in HTML the Rows with the same Values are highlighted.
In the "Exclude Files" window the File Names can be entered also as "WildExp" Mode.
Added the Export of the Results as "File Name" and the "Path".
The Copy of the Columns: "File Name", "Path" and "Full Path" can be selected quickly from the Menu.
In the "Exclude Folders" window can be added automatically: the System Folder, the Programs Folder and the Recycle Bin.
The search for Text within Binary Files has been improved.
The Parameters set for Exporting the Results are saved in an INI File.
Exporting the Results as an XML File allows to create the XSL File to view it as HTML Page.
When Exporting the Results in Tabular Format it is possible to add the border of the Columns and the space to the left and right.
The Parameters set for Exporting the Results are maintained during the search session.
The built-in Text Filter for the *.XLSX Files allows to find the Text also in the Comments contained in the Document.
Added the Filename Mode "WildExp" which allows you to use the Wildcard characters and the Bracket Expressions.
The editing functionality of Filenames has been improved by making it more comprehensive and easy to use.
Added the "Command Prompt" item to the Context Menu.
Added the "Name Similarity" Mode that allows you to find File Names similar to the one you typed.
Added the search by Depth Level from the "Root" or from the "Starting Folder".
The Context Menu has been extended by adding a submenu to edit the Results List items.
The registration procedure handle Registration Keys in text format not formatted correctly or containing illegal characters.
Added search by Short Name.
Added the Columns: Depth Level from the "Root" and from the "Starting Folder".
New Move modes: Move maintaining the Parent Folders Structure down to the "Root" or "Starting Folder".
New Copy modes: Copy maintaining the Parent Folders Structure down to the "Root" or "Starting Folder" (mirroring).
New Dialog window that allows you to set the File Names to be excluded from all searches.
Ability to set the Exclude File Names in two ways: "Simple Mode" and "Wildcards Mode".
The Trial Period can be extended, renewed or unlocked using a Trial Key.
Added the Reset Menu for the Parameters and the Results List.
Improved the Automatic Character Encoding detection.
New Dialog window that allows you to edit the File Names and Save and Load them from File.
New Dialog window that allows you to edit the Search Texts and Save and Load them from File.
Added the parameter "Case Sensitive" on File Names for a more accurate search.
Specific Filenames can be excluded from the search by putting a minus sign before the Name Mask.
Added the Automatic Character Encoding detection of Plain Text Files without BOM when searching for Text.
New Website of UltraFileSearch with responsive layout.
Text Filters for Lotus 1-2-3 & Symphony spreadsheets (123, WK1, WK2, WK3, WK4, WR1, WKS, WKE)
Text Filters for Quattro Pro spreadsheets (WQ1, WQ2, WKQ, WB3, QPW)
Exports Results in html improved.
The Export Results functionality has been improved:
- Selection of the Rows to be exported and also of the Columns and their order.
- Destination selection (File or Clipboard) and Save Mode selection (Overwrite or Append).
- Encoding selection (ASCII, ANSI Code Page, Unicode, Big-Endian Unicode, UTF8, UTF8 No BOM).
Built-in the Text Filters for the following eBooks Formats: EPUB, FB2, PDB
Improved Batch Rename feature.
Built-in the Text Filters for the following Formats: .WPD (Corel WordPerfect), .WRI (Microsoft Write)
Built-in the Text Filters for the following Open Documents Formats: ODT, ODS, ODP
Built-in the Text Filters for the following Formats: DOC, XLS, DOCX, XLSX, XLSM, XLTX, XLTM, XLSB
Improved the feature of selection and management of the Exclude Folders items.
Increased to 25 the maximum number of Items that can be stored.
Added the views: Details with Thumbnail and Tile with Thumbnail.
Extended the range of use, in the Results Window, of the Windows® Explorer Context Menu.
Added the Thumbnails View.
Improved the Text zoom functionality in the Results Window.
New multi-Folder Dialog that allows, with simple clicks, to select the Start Folders and the Skip Folders.
Added in the Result Window the Columns: Short Name, Length Name, Length Folder, Length Full Path.
Can Filter the Results based on the Length of Names: Length Name, Length Folder, Length Full Path.
Improved performance in the features "Find in Results" and "Export Results".
Ability to maximize the Results Window.
Export of the Results as Full Path.
Improved, for all Views, the scrolling Speed of the pages in the Results Window.
Added the condition "Equal to" at the filter on the File Size.
The Filter to extract the Text from PDF Files is installed, as Add-on, with the Program.
Batch Rename feature that lets you Rename a list of Files according to certain rules.
Multi Rename that lets you Edit and Rename a list of Files at once.
Option to choose the editor you want to use to Rename Files.
Ability to calculate the Size of the Folders.
Some small improvements to the GUI and the code.
Increased the search speed about 70% (Only for Files and Folders. After the first scan).
Ability to define a multi-Folder that contains a list of Folders and/or Drives in which to search.
Allows you to assign a mnemonic name to the multi-Folder.
Allows you to import and export the list of Folders and/or Drives of the multi-Folder.
Increased the speed of scrolling pages in the Results Window.
The caption of the tabs indicates if the search is performed based on their parameters.
Possibility to set one or more Wildcards Filters on the Folders in which the search is performed.
After Paste in the box "File Name(s)" and "Starting Folder(s)" the Tab Char is converted to a Pipe Char.
The items "Everywhere", "Local Drives" and "Network Drives" now also show the Drives letter.
Possibility to choose the Exclude Folders that define folders to be excluded from all searches.
Ability to set the Exclude Folders in two ways: Full Paths and Directory with Wildcards.
Option to choose whether to clear or keep the "File Name" and the "Search Text" after change "Mode".
Improved search speed of about 20% in Windows® 7 and Windows® Server 2008 R2.
Ability to set two actions after Export of the Results: "Open Exported File" and "Open Folder of Exports".
Released the first Shareware Version of the Product. Added local Help in chm Format.
Search in Encoded Text Documents (e.g. PDF, XLSX, DOCX) using IFilter technology to find the text.
Support to multi-selection in order to perform editing (e.g. Copy, Cut, Delete etc) on multiple Items.
Saving and restoring Zoom Settings.
Saving and restoring Column Layout (Visibility, Width, Position) of the Result List.
Ability to zoom the text in the Results Window.
Drag & Drop Folders (Gets the list of Selected Folders) from other Applications to "Search Path" Box.
Drag & Drop Items (Move, Copy, Create Shortcut) from Results Window to other Applications.
Ability to Save and (or) Load search Parameters.
Option to select which types of Parameters to Save and (or) Load.
Option to select which types of Items to Save and (or) Load.
Added Rename Files. Added Copy to Folder. Added Move To Folder. Improved Create Shortcut.
Added Edit Menu: Cut, Copy, Copy to Folder, Move to Folder, Create Shortcut, Delete, Rename,
Remove from List.
The Search Path supports single or multiple "Environment Variables" (e.g. %APPDATA%|%PATH%)
Added the Source Folders View of the Results.
Export as Web Page File (HTML) with Links.
Ability to search more than one Sentence, or more Phrases and Words together, at the same time.
Display of the main Filters to Search in the Caption of the Window and the Taskbar.
Added Options for Exporting Results.
Ability to Filter by "Modified Date", "Creation Date" and "Last Access Date" at the same time.
Filter for Attributes of Files.
Possibility to specify the File Name in two modes: "Simple Text" and "Wildcards Mask".
Added the range "not between" to the filter for the date and the size.
Improved functionality to add the item "Ultra File Search..." to shell context menu.
The Search Path supports UNC names (i.e. \\ComputerName\FolderName).
Supports Path lengths greater than 260 characters (max 32767).
Functionality improved in 'Find in Results' and 'Items Management'.
Full support to Unicode Characters.
Find text in binary Files (e.g. EXE, DLL, OBJ, XLS, PDF etc.) searching in their raw format.
Save and load window position, size and state.
Items management (File Mask, Search Path, Search Text).
Increased the Speed of Search of the 35...50 %.
(The percentage changes according to the select Filters).
Incremental Search in the Window of the Results.
Search for Column in the Window of the Results and positioning on the found Items.
The results window supports Windows® Explorer functionality (e.g. icons, context menus).
First Public Release.
First Website of UltraFileSearch.